Feeling like you're constantly on the go, missing out on family time while building your dream business? Well, Imagine feeling in control of your schedule and finally having the energy for what matters most. 

The Time Audit Intensive is your secret weapon. This powerful 90-minute session goes beyond just tracking your hours. We'll analyze your entire client journey, from inquiry to service delivery, to uncover hidden time-stealers that keep you feeling overwhelmed and strapped for time. Reclaim your time and finally have the freedom for those precious moments with your family.

time audit intensive

book my session


You juggle family and business, but evenings disappear into work, leaving you exhausted.

Feels like there are never enough hours:

Are you a service-based mompreneur who:

Your to-do list keeps growing, and precious family moments feel out of reach. You crave a system to take back control.

Struggles to see where time goes:

You want growth, but the thought of sacrificing family time or your well-being feels overwhelming.

Dreams of scaling without sacrificing sanity:

You deserve success without feeling guilty about prioritizing yourself and your family.

Deals with "mom guilt" when taking time off:

You crave a supportive system to help you navigate the journey towards work-life harmony.

Is ready to ditch the solo act:

+ A Comprehensive Client Experience Audit: Identify any gaps or missing tasks in your current process.

+ Exposed Hidden Time-Stealers Exposed: Unmask those "little" tasks that silently drain your valuable hours.

+ Personalized Time Breakdown: Analyze the true time commitment required for each client interaction.

+ The Cost of Doing Business: Understand the financial impact of your current processes.

+ Package Profitability Insights: See which services are true profit generators and which need adjustments.

During our session, you'll discover:

Do any of these resonate with you?

Then the Time Audit Intensive is your answer!

You've just finished a client call, feeling energized and accomplished. You know exactly what needs to be done next, and it doesn't involve hours of scrambling or late-night emails. The Time Audit Intensive has transformed your client experience, creating a smooth, efficient system that frees up precious time.

Sis, imagine this...

  • Enjoy guilt-free quality time with your family, knowing your business runs like a well-oiled machine.

  • Embrace spontaneous moments without the worry of neglected tasks looming over you.

  • Focus on activities that fuel your passion, knowing your systems are in place to support your success.

Now you can...

This is the reality you can create with the Time Audit Intensive.

  1. Session Recording
  2. One Week Voxer Support

Step 3:

  1. Client Experience Audit
  2. Time & Cost Breakdown
  3. Profitability Insights
  4. Streamlined Roadmap

Step 2:

  1. Schedule Your Intensive
  2. Complete the Time Freedom Calculator

Step 1:

how the intensive works

Pre-Session Prep

Deep Dive Session

Post-Session Support

ready to start your time freedom journey?

Investment: $297

  • 90-Minute Client Experience Audit Session (via Video Conferencing)
  • Time Freedom Calculator (Completed Together or Independently)
  • Customized Action Plan with Recommended Next Steps
  • Recording of the Client Experience Session (For Future References)
  • One Week of Voxer Support (For Implementing Your Action Plan)

what's included

Time Audit Intensive

Book Your Audit Intensive

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Time Audit Intensive and how can it help me?

What is the Time Audit Intensive and how can it help me?

The Time Audit Intensive is a powerful 90-minute session designed to help busy mompreneurs like you understand and reclaim your time. We'll analyze your entire client journey, uncovering hidden time-wasters that keep you feeling overwhelmed. This session will provide a customized action plan and recommended next steps to help you achieve a better work-life harmony and grow your business without sacrificing family time.

I'm worried about taking 90 minutes away from my business. Will it be worth it?

I'm worried about taking 90 minutes away from my business. Will it be worth it?

Absolutely! The Time Audit Intensive is an investment in your future. By identifying and eliminating time-wasters, you'll gain back precious hours that can be reinvested in growing your business and spending time with your family. In the long run, a more efficient and organized you will be a more successful and confident CEO.

I'm not sure if I'm a good fit. Who is the ideal candidate?

I'm not sure if I'm a good fit. Who is the ideal candidate?

The Time Audit Intensive is perfect for service-based mompreneurs who feel overwhelmed, struggle with time management, and want to create a better work-life harmony. If you're ready to take back control of your schedule and build a successful business without sacrificing precious family moments, then this is for you!

What results can I expect from the Time Audit Intensive?

What results can I expect from the Time Audit Intensive?

With the Time Audit Intensive, you can expect to:

  • Gain a clear understanding of where your time is actually going.
  • Identify hidden time-wasters that are keeping you overwhelmed.
  • Develop a customized action plan to reclaim your time and achieve better work-life balance.
  • Feel empowered and confident in managing your workload more effectively.
  • Have access to ongoing support (via Voxer) to help you implement your action plan.

What are your qualifications for helping me with my time management?

What are your qualifications for helping me with my time management?

Haha, okay! Let's just say I've been there. Juggling everything, trying to be Super Mom, feeling guilty if I asked for help... trust me, I get it. But what I realized is that time management is KEY. I had to figure out where all my precious hours were going (because let's be honest, there never seem to be enough!). As a business owner, I learned how to identify the biggest timesuckers and streamline them. Now, the best part? I get to share these secrets with amazing mompreneurs like you who crave that time freedom without the guilt trip while building a successful business!

Let me answer them!

Still have questions?

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Schedule a complimentary connection call to get them answered.
(No strings attached)